Friday, April 17, 2020

How to Start an Essay - Tips For Beginning Writers

How to Start an Essay - Tips For Beginning WritersI recently read a blog post by an online business owner on how to start an essay. The gist of it was that his competition (and his writing style) had won him over and he was trying to imitate them. Some of his tips, in a nutshell, are: a) Use the right type of personal pronoun (you), b) Stick to your topic, c) Avoid using slang or vulgar terms, d) Focus on key points, e) Focus on your abilities and not your weaknesses, f) Get to the point, g) Start writing quickly and avoid writing lots of information. Now, one of my first responses to these thoughts is to call BS on the person's 'secrets.'Why should he use any of these tips when he can easily start an essay with a question, look at some of the best essay writers in the world, and go to the library? Do you think his high school English teacher ever told him anything about writing? I'm not going to try to debate his methods, but instead I want to talk about why you should avoid some of the tips he gave.Thinking and writing like an amateur isn't what will get you where you want to go. One of the keys to writing a great essay is to be able to have more than one or two points and make them work as a unit. You don't have to always use the same format for each essay. For example, if you're working on a test you can do one thing at a time instead of doing them all in the same sentence.In fact, one of the biggest mistakes that beginners do is to take an essay and then run it through a word processor. There's so much that a word processor can do for you that you shouldn't be editing every paragraph.His other suggestion was to use personal pronouns for you and me (you and me). While this is a good idea, and he may have been clever enough to find a word that means one thing and does another, it also serves to confuse readers. How many times have you heard someone say something like 'I' when they meant 'my'? It's become a cliche, but the point is that it's confusing because people who read like this often don't understand the difference between one person and several.It's better to have a topic and be able to talk about it in the essay itself. To do this, focus on the benefits or purpose of the idea rather than the argument. You don't need to convince someone that something is true, but rather illustrate the merits. Do this in a way that doesn't get your reader bogged down in details.One of the things that I particularly like about this person's essay is that he emphasizes his own strengths, yet he refers to himself as 'we.' In fact, he used his own words to demonstrate his point about getting bogged down in details.Writing an essay like this requires more work and practice than the other writers above. In fact, I would encourage you to take up the project yourself and write one for your business. I hope this helps you get started on the road to making your own essay an award-winning article.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thesis Statement Essay

Thesis Statement EssayDo you want to write a thesis statement essay? If so, congratulations! This is your chance to really express yourself and come up with some really interesting ideas.But before you get started, think about what you're going to write in your thesis statement. Think about what makes you tick and what motivates you. Once you have a few options open to you, you can then turn your thoughts into words.Your thesis statement should be able to stand on its own. It should not be a crutch for the rest of your writing. It should be an explanation of why you want to study at this college, the program that you want to be in, and the interests that you have. There is nothing more boring than a boring essay.So when you are deciding what type of person you are, think about what you would do if you were thrust into the role of a character in a story. What would that character want? Write down those details.After you have these things out of the way, write down a brief description of the event that is your main focus. For example, in one of my courses, I was asked to write a detailed synopsis of the year that I had spent in a student exchange program. Writing this essay can also involve writing about your graduate studies program, if you ever took such a course. Any time you can write about an activity that you did that gave you more knowledge about the subject matter, do it.After you have gotten the 'who'what' of your 'essay' in place, the 'how' of your 'essay' is now ready to be written. This may take some time, depending on the topic and the intensity of your interest. You can use a writing prompt or you can write out what you think you would write if you had the time and inclination to do so.Your thesis statement essay is not only about what you know and how you know it. It is also about how you went about getting it. Once you have written this, you will be ready to write your thesis, and you will be proud of your efforts.